What type of thread is recommended for custom jeans buttons?

When attaching custom jeans buttons, it’s essential to use a strong and durable thread that can withstand the rigors of denim fabric. Here are some recommended types of thread for attaching custom jeans buttons:

Polyester Thread:

Polyester thread is a popular choice for jeans buttons due to its strength, durability, and resistance to abrasion. It has good tensile strength and can withstand the stress and tension exerted on jeans buttons during regular use.

Nylon Thread:

Nylon thread is another strong option for attaching jeans buttons. It has excellent tensile strength and resistance to wear and tear. Nylon thread is known for its durability and ability to withstand heavy-duty applications.

Heavy-Duty Thread:

Heavy-duty threads, specifically designed for sewing thick and sturdy fabrics like denim, are also suitable for jeans buttons. These threads are often made from polyester or nylon and are specifically engineered to handle the heavy demands of denim fabric.

Topstitching Thread:

Topstitching thread is a thicker and heavier thread used for decorative stitching and visible seams on jeans. While it may not be as strong as polyester or nylon threads, it can still be a viable option for attaching jeans buttons, particularly if the buttons are primarily decorative.

When selecting thread for jeans buttons, consider the thickness and weight of the denim fabric as well. Opt for a thread that can handle the fabric’s weight and thickness without breaking or causing tension issues. It’s also a good idea to match the color of the thread to the color of the denim for a seamless and cohesive look.

Regardless of the type of thread you choose, make sure to use a sturdy thread and reinforce the attachment by stitching through the fabric multiple times to ensure a secure and long-lasting bond between the jeans button and the denim fabric.